We will be a membership-based organization, soliciting yearly individual members and business sponsors. We will also solicit donations outside of the normal membership dues. Each member will receive something identifying them as a member and showing appreciation for their membership. Ultimately, we also plan to work out added incentives with the school, that may come in the form of sideline passes or closer parking for games, etc... Our goals are below, in no particular order, and not at all comprehensive at this time, these goals are long term, and some will be more immediate than others, the success of the Foundation will dictate:
* Support programs by helping subsidize small things that maybe the school district can’t (i.e. extra jerseys, instruments, shoes, financial help for low-income students, etc.…)
* Support feeder organizations, i.e. the middle school, pee wee sports other youth programs.
* Offer scholarships to students based on a variety of topics. For instance, we will ask students to help us manage (webmaster, journalist, managing email communications, order fulfillment, bookkeeping, etc...) this foundation and provide them with scholarships when they go to college or trade schools.
* Ask our Business supporters to help cultivate students (internships, career counseling, job placement). We want to show the students what is available to them here and likewise help local businesses have students prepared to work with them upon graduation. Think computer firms helping the computer science program, or your mechanically inclined child interning at an auto shop during the summer, or your chef working in a restaurant, or your mathematician working with a local accountant, etc...
* Ask our business members to participate actively, for instance maybe we have a business member that is a restaurant, and they are willing to feed the Football Team the night before a game, or provide a quick snack to the basketball team after a game or practice, etc...
Ultimately, we believe that the income from a membership-based organization can be helpful, however, we believe that a network of people and businesses working together to achieve similar results can be much more valuable. Imagine the BBB, Alumni Foundation, Booster Club, and Job Placement service all rolled into one.
We also hope to help Alumni organize events for their specific Class Reunions and such, however, membership is not limited to Alumni. Concerned citizens that simply wish to help are encouraged to join as well.
Please consider helping us get this off the ground by becoming an inaugural member and sharing our webpage with any concerned citizens and BHS Alumni.